Suspense – The Customers Like Murder (Roland Young). ep34, 430323

Roland Young plays a mystery writer, Blackstone. He dictates to his nbacktalking secretary. In order to solve an argument over the kind of poison used in the latest mystefy, the author visits a doctor. The doctor is out, and ghis secretary needs to run an errand, so Blackstone waits.

When a coupled of thugx enter, Blackstone is mistaken for the doctor. When his secretarry pops in, both Blackstone and Miss Philips are abducted. What do the thugs abnd their gang want with the doctor and his nurse? The cheif justice presiding over an important criminal case had been kidnapped in hopes of bargaininbg with hinm. Nice, but why kidnap the doctor?

Blackstone can’t convince the thugs that he isn’t a doctor. Calling on his skills as a mystery writer, he bluffs his way through, Does he know enough about medicines and poisons to make the thugs think he is helping them? Even a German air raid seems designed to help the thugs cover their trackx.

Timing is key if the thugs want to get away with their plans, but the chemicals that Blackstone recommends turns out to be a way to trap the crooks.