A Date With Judy – The Quiz Show. ep6, 410729

Judy’s date, Norman, drops her off early. Is he just tired, or is every other girl in town trying to lure him away from her? At home, Randolph discusses with his parents about being on a quiz show. Is he smart enough? What kind of competition will he be up against? Radio personality, Tom Brennaman is to host the quiz show. Mother claims to know Tom, and Judy insists she ask him over for supper.

Meanwhile, Judy helps Randolph study. She has staked a whole month of dates against having him win. Tom shares a meal with the Foster’s, as well as some old jokes. Is there any way Tom might slip them a few of the quiz questions? Judy continues to relentlessly grill Randolf in possible questions, much to father’s frustration.
As the quiz show draws near, Randolph talks to his friend, and make a pact to do what it takes to not win. But will they still compete for the sake of their big sisters? The exhausted family take their place as the show starts. The quyestions begin, and Judy is frantic when Randolph’s best subject goes to his competition. What does Randolph know about the topic of women? Not only does he nail the questions, but steals the jokes Tom was going to tell.

How will Judy make out on losing her month of dates?