21st Precinct – The Homecoming. ep12, 530922

Badges. night sticks, police officers.
Police Officer Carrying Nightstick. "Used with permission from Microsoft."

A phone call sets the stage as the uniformed cops of the 21st Precinct take us on a case from start to finish. Captain Canelli is faced with a manpower shortage as he works to cover his caseload. Co-worker, and friend, Sgt Burns is called in for Captain Canelli to deliver bad news. Sgt Burns teenage son who is in the Army, has been killed. Telling the news is never easy, and even more difficult when it comes to someone you know. Canelli does what he can to give room for his friend to grieve.

Getting down to business, the cops keep watch for their suspect, and close the loose ends on their case. It won’t take long to confront the distraught teen who threatens to jump out his window. Why does he want to jump? Can the cops talk sense to the young man? Sgt Burns is on the scene, and talking the teen out of his situation helps him work through his personal loss.