Whistler – Stolen Murder. 460812

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Ken and Tom are friends, but among other things, Ellen complains about Tom. He has been acting strangely, and we learn its because Tom has a terminal illness. When Ken takes a job in New York, he takes Tom along thinking he might find better medical help in the city.

Time goes by, Tom has shut himself in his room to write a novel, Ken is busy with the grind of the new job, and Ellen nags Ken about everything. Asking a favor of Ken’s publishing connections, Tom has him present his book to an editor. The book looks to be the next big seller, and even a movie deal is in the works. Since Tom is near death, Ken figures he’ll just put his name on the work and get credit for all the income.

Suddenly, Tom learns that he might not die afterall. What’s Ken going to do? What else? A plan to kill Tom is worked out, and after a few suspenseful moments it looks like Ken just might be on easy street.

You know how these stories work out. The Whistler knows a few secrets that are sure to knock over Ken’s delicately built house of cards.