Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – The White Cargo Act And Ah Sin. ep6, 470807

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The voyage is due for a setback as Carney gets locked up in prison. Ship master, Philip Carney recounts the events of their port of call in a Chinese harbor. The crew is tired, and in bad need of rest, and it makes Carney wonder if his recent cargo of genseng had been worth it. Especially when he is met at the dock, and told he is under arrest.

With armed police to enforce their intent, there’s no fighting. The local cops are looking for the shipment of genseng, and claim the bill of sale is no good. The bodies that were on the ship in the previous adventure are turned over, as is the woman that Carney was forced to take onboard. Alice puts on a dramatic act to claim she was abused, as well as telling other lies. Will the Chinese officer believe her, and have Carney shot?

Carney describes the ordeal of leaving his ship behind, and is tossed into jail. Philip is forced to endure the night in jail before he is taken by automobile on a chain of events that are out of his control. He is told his ship has been moved, but not told where. Carney finds himself back in the presence of Alice, and a man claiming to be a merchant. What does he want, and what does he know about Kang?

The merchant had learned a little about Carney’s involvement with Kang, and amid a web of lies, claims to have the same interest at heart. Alice is still playing her game of being abused on the Scarlet Queen. Gallagher had been held captive in the house, but is soon reunited with Carney. Secretly , Alice comes to Carney to claim that her play acting is all a plan to help him out. Is she really on his side? Can she be trusted?

Maybe not, but with her and Gallagher, Carney is forced to work together to make a plan to escape, and try to get away. The merchant has a Southerner on his payroll, Mangan, and presents a little old scheme to Carney. He may not get the chance to have it carried out though before winding up dead.

Is there any chance of getting away, and back out to sea? Carney manages to strike a deal and his crew are all reunited, and shove off for their next adventure.