Suspense – The Devil’s Saint (Peter Lorrie). ep25, 430119

At a costume party, a young man and girl fall in love. The hold out on a marriage for Ned is Elona’s eccentric Hungarian uncle. How will uncle Stephan handle the request for the marriage proposal? Why is he against such short engagements? Being a good sport, Stephan invites Ned to the estate, but with the qualification that he stay in a room that has a history of mysterious deaths.

Ned arrives at the chateau, and is cautioned about the Tapestry room by the servants. Elona tells about dogs that had to be put down with chloroform. Coincidences surrounding the Tapestry room also deal with strange deaths. Could chloroform also be involved? Is there any rhyme or reason to the mysterious deaths in the Tapestry room?

The creepy background isn’t going to scare Ned away. Will uncle Stephan agree to consent to marriage immediately, if Ned sleeps over, and emerges from the room alive in the morning? Will Ned let Elona sit up with him all night? Would it be proper if uncle Stephan sneaks in through a secret passage to offer more warnings to Ned?

What’s the deal with all the veiled warnings, and creepy household history? Is there a curse on the room or not? If there is, who is behind it? Ned is sure to find out, but he may not like the outcome.