Lights Out – Immortal Gentleman. ep48, 430831

If you frighten easily, be warned. Turn off your radio now. Don’t even think about downloading this episode. A man discusses his lifelong fear of death with a woman. He recounts how he has been set free of his fears.

While attending a lecture, strange things happen. The speaker seems to have change, as does the theater, and the female companion sitting next to him. What is the meaning of this curious meeting? The man is a stranger, but is somehow included. Can that be a good thing? Are these people madf? What is this strange ritual, and commitment he has gotten himself into? Is this a religious cult? Witches? Political anarchists?

Things are about to change, this group wants to make their place in the world, but to do it means that murder needs to be committedAnd our narrator is the one chosen to do it.

What does all this have to with overcoming his fears? Just listen in as you try to put the clues of this bizzarre story together for yourself.