Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – Lily In The Chimoipo Bar. ep5, 470731

Old-Fashioned Compass Rose
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

It was a fair and fast trip out of Japan, and now the ketch Scarlet Queen is setting sail for the coasts of China. First, an unexpected port has to be made to make repairs, and for some much needed relaxation.

On shore an English speaking voice beckonsPhilip Carney to enter and enjoy the Chimoipo Bar. Lily is an older lady, and well described by the picturesque Carney. She picks his brain for any news, or thing that he may have brought from America. She introduces her lovely daughter, Alice, who is again described in much detail by the ship captain.

Alice tells Phil that the mother daughter thing is just a scam, and the old lady is more desperate than she lets on. What is it that she wants from Carney? It has to do with a shipment of genseng to be shipped out, and hires Carney to take it on, though he is reluctant at first.

Back in the harbor, the young gal races to the Scarlet Queen with news that Lily has been gunned down. Alice wants protection, and to board the ship to keep from being killed as well. Carney goes to inspect the aftermath of the shooting. As brutal as it is, there’s nothing more to do but head back to the ship, and cast off. Then a swimmer is seen approaching the Scarlet Queen. The suspected sabateur is shot and the ketch sails.

The lovely Alice is shocked to learn about the native that was shot in the water. Phil tells about a junk that is following them, but isn’t too concerned. After sailing a while, Philip has an emergency when the Scarlet Queen looses her rudder, and comes to a screeching halt. Maybe the sabateur had time to do his dirty work afterall.

Phil begins to put the pieces of the mystery together, and figures Alice has something to do with the sabotage. Is she telling him the truth? I doubt it. The crippled ship is now vulnerable for the junk to catch up to. Gallagher is chomping at the bit for a fight, and one breaks out as the two ships try to outmaneuver each other. When the fight is over, complete with an occasional gunshot, Phil has Alice pinned. She is really the one behind the whole plot, and the truth behind the murder of Lily is soon to come out.

With the Scarlet Queen under sail, Carney has to decide what to do. Turn the girl in, or let her go? Keep the genseng, or take it back? Decisions, decisions.