Phil Harris – French Orphan. ep107, 490612.

Alice and Phil visit Frankie in his apartment. Frankie has some terrible news that’s bothering him.

Through a foster parent pen pal program, Frankie has been writing to a child who is left orphaned by the recent war. Somehow his letters have been so impressive that he has been informed that his French orphan is going to come to live with him. After a slight mistaken identity, Frankie temporarily stops worrying so much, and actually looks forward to adopting his cute, female orphan. Even Phil decides it could be a good thing to do for himself. You know, get the girls a playmate. Too bad Alice shuts him down.

The orphan is dropped off, and his grown up escort leaves. With the language barrier, the guys are clueless, but Alice is bright enough to leave and get some groceries. Phil and Frankie are left alone to bond with the new little boy.

How can they entertain their young guest? Watch TV down at the bbar? Sing him a French song? Why not a typical American song? Phil sings, the King of Babylon.

Still, the weeping boy is a mystery to his new papa, Frankie. Phil has a little more experience in the dadddy department,but somehow he doesn’t do much better in communicating. Maybe an English lesson? Julius enters and learns about the new arrival. Can he help with the lessons? Can Julius interpret French for the guys? Don’t count on it.

Alice returns with the groceries, and Frankie has softened up enough to the kid that he offers to cook and officially adopt the boy. There’s just one snap, to adopt a kid, Frankie needs to be married. I don’t think either Phil or Alice will go for a convenient break up and reshuffling of marriage partners, not even for Frankie. What’s the solution? Will Frankie actually get married? Don’t count on it, but lisen in for the way things work themselves out.