Lum and Abner – Abner’s Pet Mouse. 451112

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

Note: this show seems to be out of order. Maybe.

In the store today, Cedric enters with word that the phone lines are down. Has something terrible happened? Abner’s poet mouse, Clyde seems to have something to do with it. Lum insists that Abner needs to get shut of the mouse, before they all get in trouble.

Lum steps out to hang out with Miss Emaline on her birthday, and Cedric is amazed that Geraldine the cat has not only left the mouse alone, but she and Clyde have actually become friends. he’s just as nice a mouse as you’d like to meet. Abner tells how he first caught Clyde in a trap, and became fast friends.

Abner keeps getting interrupted, but manages to tell how Clyde and Geraldine’s first encounter went. Despite the happy ending to the initial cat and mouse chase, Abner still needs to study up a way to keep Clyde out of trouble.