Lum and Abner – A Romance For The Sarge. 451108

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

The gents are forced to keep cleaning the store, as Miss Hartford insists the place needs to be painted. In a moment of confusion over the shape of a spinal column, Abner thinks he ought to call Doc Miller for Lum.

Has any of Lum’s ideas worked, in dropping hints to Miss Hartford that her days in the storer are numbered? She always has a response too the trouble of failing finances. She really does think fast on her feet, and is flexible in adjusting to problems. Too bad she isn’t a good match for what the gents need.

Cedric pops in to tell about his latest problem. It seems he has become popular with the girls at school. As he rushes back out, it gives Lum the idea of finding a romance for sarge, and may be she’ll become distracted and give them a break.