Lum and Abner – Cedric the Star Football Player. 451023

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

Waiting to hear back about filling their position as clerk in the store, Abner discusses the need with grandpap. Somehow grandpap gets confused over donkeys, and bedroom bureaus. The bickering gents get back to how nice it will be to have a young serviceman straight from the war to lend a hand.

They discuss the chores in the store, lifting feed sacks, some even with feed in them, and pitching in to take a load off Abner. Cedric enters, sad over messing up Lum’s football practice. He doesn’t know nothing about that doggone game. Try as he might, he messed up the whole practice.

The lad goes home to have a good cry, and Abner empathizes with his sorrow. Grandpap and Abner turn to discussing the football team’s losing streak, and the attempts too turn it around. When Lum enters in a hurry, he tells that Cedric rushed off before he could be congradulated on being the new star player.