Lum and Abner – Lum Gave Comical Skating Exhibition. 451015

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

After bragging about his skating ability Lum has been put on the spot to offer an exhibition. Today, we find Abner and grandpap discussing the antics. Has Lum learned his lesson in exaggerating his ability? The gents share the comical outcome of Lum trying to show off.

Abner feels that Lum is always such a solemn fellow, it was nice to see him loosen up on skates. When Lum enters, he needs a few pillows to cushion his sore spots. He isn’t in the same light-hearted mood as his friends.

Though they should know better, Abner and grandpap felt the wild performance from Lum was done on purpose. As he tries to convince them otherwise, Squire Skimp enters with his own offer for Lum to continue his skating antics.