Lum and Abner – Cedric And Abner Will Run Lum Over With A Car. 451002

Drawing, map of downtown Pine Ridge.

Trying to return the affections of the school teacher to himself, Lum has agreed to taking desperate measures. Today, Abner and Cedric stage a hit and run operation just outside the school house for her to see. The deed is choreographed as the gents lay out their plan.

The scene is all set, including a dry place in the road, so Miss Emaline can gaze down into Lum’s eyes with him looking his best. it wouldn’t do to be all muddy. He even has a bouquet of flowers to present to his sweetheart.

As Cedric and Abner get the car ready, there’s one problem. The top speed that Lum wants to be hit at will be difficult for Cedric’s jalopy. His car idles too high, and they may be going too fast. Will Miss Emaline be present to witness the disaster? Will Lum miss his mud puddle? Will the event be the success the gents planned?