Red Skelton (Avalon time) Egypt. ep7, 390218

Or, Edna Stillwell Joins the Cast.

Red opens with jokes about flying, airplanes, and even Hollywood marriages. He tells about the laughs his movies get. Phil Davis plays some mellow mood music.

Red Foley sings, Funny Old Hills. In his office, we find Red Skelton trying to borrow $10 from his secretary. The jokes about money include a visit from the professor. Maybe a call to the sponsor will get the money Red needs. Or maybe just a chat with Mirt the phone operator. What does Red need that cash for any way?

The band plays, Stomppin’ at the Savoy.

Janette sings, Between a Kiss and a Sigh.

Pharaoh Skelton is said to have a jealous secretary. Crossing the span of time and distance, Red dramatizes being in ancient Egypt with his rival Red Foley, and the pyramids he’s building. Hopping off his elephant, Red goes to woo Cleopatra, while the jealous Edna goes to tell Mark Anthony. Played by the mild mannered Hercules, will there be trouble for Red? Red Foley sings, Penny Serenade.