Lum and Abner – The Edwards And Peabody Splitting Company. 450905

Lum revealed his new business idea to Abner, who wants no part of the project. Today in the Jot Em Down store, the gents argue over why Abner doesn’t like the idea. Lum claims it’s because Abner doesn’t understand the concept of splitting the atom. I can’t blame him on that one.

The new Edwards and Peabody Split company proposes to offer atom splitting services to usher in the new age of technology. As quick as they get to selling atoms, Lum figures they’ll be rich. Whet kind of equipment will they need to stlit atoms? Sledgehammers, magnifiers, or something else?

Lum thinks he ought to contact the government to see how they split theirs. Abvners worries increase when he hears from Lum all the things those little critters can do. Power trains, bombs, and more. Grandpap enters to hear about the new business idea. Will he side for Lum’s confidence, or Abner’s worries?