-Lum and Abner – Detective Lum Explains. 450627

Upon Lum’s return, he revealed in detail what really happened with Ira’s prize bull, and is now applying his detective expertise to find Cedric’s lost wallet. Abner insists on making Lum tell him more about how he got his money back from the Ira Hodgskin case. He claims it’s a long story, but he answers all of Abner’s questions at once about the prize bull and his latest detective work.

Abner gets confused at Lum’s figure of speech in adding 2 and 2 to get his $150 back. The answer involves a deliveryman and an insurance agency, but he still needs to solve the case of the missing wallet. As Lum tries to protect how unprepared he is, Cedric has already found the wallet.

Not paying him any attention, Lum continues to gather information on the wallet’s description. The need for a deceptive turns into a baffling case, more for Lum than anyone else.