Fibber McGee and Molly – Night Out. ep308, 420106

Fibber gets dressed up in his old tuxedo, and is teased about how old it is. Where is he planning to take Molly tonight? As they talk about dancing, their new door bell chimes to find Wallace Wimple. Will he be going out tonight with his big old wife, Sweetie Face? He shares his poem about resolutions for 1942. Billy Mills plays some swinging traveling music.

The final touches are put on to their attire, and the door bell rings again. Abigail Uppington comments on Fibbers behavior at her recent party. Will she agree to join the McGees if Fibber dances with her? Mayor Latrivia enters with a gift of defense stamps. What was Fibbers winning slogan? Harlowe Wilcox pops in to use the phone, but gets an operator named Clara to joke about the sponsor.

Teeny arrives to hear about the night of dancing in store for the McGees. Slew Foot McGee brags on his dance floor prowess. The Kingsmen sing, Clara Ziranda.

In the night club the McGees have a bite to eat, and get a word from the Old Timer. He tells about an old date and a plate of spaghetti. Now that the band is tuning up Fibber suddenly doesn’t want to dance. Let’s just say he has a sudden wardrobe malfunction with his old tuxedo.