Fibber McGee and Molly – Mrs. Uppingtons Window Part 2. ep310, 420120

The opening pitch for the sponsor is given over to supporting war bonds.

The mystery from last week continues in learning who threw the rock through Abigail Uppington’s window. To do his part, Fibber decides to reenact the dream he had about throwing the rock. Does he even remember what he did the evening before his troubling dream? Teeny pops in with comments on who might have done the deed. Does it involve Willie Tukes and his sling shot? Billy Mills plays a smooth jazz tune to transition.

Still trying to jog his memory, Fibbers remarks make Molly remember she needs to do some shopping for Abigail. Speak of the devil, and she rings the new doorbell. Way does she need a new turtle? Or maybe it’s a girdle. It sets up a moment of misunderstanding between Abigail and Fibber. Harlowe Wilcox enters to discuss Fibbers dream, but the McGee’s insist on hearing about the sponsor instead.

Mayor Latrivia arrives to learn a confusing word about uncle Dennis. Does he know how the police are doing in their investigation of the window? The Kingsmen sing, Lydia the Tattooed Lady.

As Fibber is about to turn for the night in his purple pajamas, Wallace Wimple arrives to see if Fibber will play board games with him. Why is he taking such a long time returning to his big old wife? He must have a wonderful constitution to be swept off his feet by Sweetie Face in the way he describes. Fibber finally gets tucked into bed. Will he finally discover the truth behind his dream?