WOR In Review (MBS) 1946 In Review. 461226

At the end of the year, emotions run into being apathetic. Little agreement is reached among the peacemakers, with bloody warnings of a third world war.

While world leaders battle it out for their version of peace, memories of the fallen soldiers and sailors from one year ago are called on. Has the price they paid been so soon forgotten? The UN calls for tight controls on the atomic bomb. Meanwhile, on American streets, labor strikes are the norm. Fuel shortages force the board of health in New York shut down places of amusement, libraries, public schools, and gathering places.

For those with jobs, wages are low, and benefits slim. Union leaders speak up to improve conditions on transportation workers. When the arena of industry can see eye to eye, Gunshots mark the low point.

The post war year in the land of opportunity proves to be less than desirable for struggling, returning veterans. Housing conditions are far from ideal, or adequate. With funds earmarked for the atomic bomb, and for German reconstruction, there isn’t enough left for the housing shortage.

World politics paint a bleak picture. The crime rate is up, teachers are in high demand, family conditions are waning, and the divorce rate is up. The atomic bomb remains at the forefront through most news stories, and its uncertainty is to blame for many troubles. By the end of the year, there are still no signed agreements on regulating the atomic bomb, and more are being produced with ever more destructive power.

Is there any peacemaker at all who is determined to prevent future wars? How well did demilitarization work after World War 1? Why would anyone think it would work to prevent another war? What about the punishment of Nazi war criminals? Only the historians of tomorrow can tell how well the thoughts of violence, have been purged from the minds of men.

A follow up to the Nuremberg War Crime trials is reported on, and how many had fallen through the cracks. Accounts of final moments of convicted war criminals are described in morbid detail. American fascist groups are reported as springing up, threatening to march on the capitol.

The American housewife had a good year, but inflation is on the rise. Price controls need to stay in place, which makes for fodder for comedians along with the election and meat shortages. Republicans were easily returned to office, promising a more progressive government.

Coal miners strike, demanding a 40 hour work week, and causing outages for factories and the transportation industry.