Great Gildersleeve – Flashback: Plays Cyrano, Meets Eve. ep213, 460602

In his office, Gildersleeve and Bessie discuss that he has been Water Commissioner for 4 years now. How did it come about? He recounts how one of his other options was in the theater. In flashback, he enters Peavy’s drugstore to see a handbill for the theatrical part of Cyrano.

in Floyd’s barber shop, more details about the famous play are discussed. Judge Hooker adds his comments on the starring role, and how he is so homely that no woman wants to have a thing to do with him. Is Gildy suddenly feeling duped in agreeing to the part? Visiting Eve Goodwin, and learning about the artistic and tragic side of the romance, Gildy likes the part again.

Back in the office, Bessie listens to more about the play production. Leroy gets into the practice for the dueling scene, but distractions between the play Marjorie is rehearsing and phone call with Piggy Banks create confusion for poor old Birdie.

Turning to the dress rehearsal, the director breaks the news that Cyrano won’t be put on. Gildy finds the right string to pull to suddenly change the director’s mind. Is there still a way to get Gildy behind the play that Marjorie is featured in instead?

It’s opening night, the curtain is going up, and Gildy is struck by stage fright. He has a fan base that turns the circumstances on its head once again. Which play will go on? To appease the crowd, he takes center stage to Singh, I Take Your Hand Madam.