Cinnamon Bear – Oliver Ostrich. ep16, 371214.

When all seems lost, our gang meet up with a friend who manages to read their magic instructions for them. As they continue on their way they come across a strange but helpful character in Oliver Ostrich.

Note: The short Christmas series had a cast of some of radio’s greats including:

Barbara Jean Wong

as Judy Barton

Joseph Kearns

as The Crazy-Quilt Dragon

Verna Felton

as Judy & Jimmy’s mother

Lou Merrill

as Santa Claus

Martha Wentworth

as The Wintergreen Witch

Gale Gordon

as Weary Willie the Stork and Oliver Ostrich

Rosa Barcelo

as Queen Melissa

Elvia Allman

as Penelope the Pelican

Joe DuVal

as Fe Fo, the Giant

Frank Nelson

as Captain Tin Top

Hanley Stafford

as Snapper Snick, the Crooning Crocodile

Howard McNear

as Samuel the Seal and Slim Pickins, the Cowboy

Cy Kendall

as Captain Taffy, the Pirate, and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer (Indian Chief)

Ted Osborne

as King Blotto the Third, and Professor Whiz, the Owl

Elliott Lewis

as Mr. Presto the Magician

Ed Max

as the Inkaboo Assistant Execu