Lum and Abner – Cedric Finds Robert. 450529

Abner gets grandpap updated on the dire situation with the return of Dr Drill, and the box he left in the care of the gents. The doc doesn’t know they got into his box and assembled the mechanical man. What might he say about their snooping? For that matter, what will he say when he hears that his invention is missing?

Lum enters with an update on the search for Robert the robot, while grandpap interrupts with his own style of distractions. Using a map, Lum tries to plot likely locations of Robert. Abner is confused at first, but begins to see how Robert could only walk in straight lines. The robot couldn’t adjust for bends in the road.

A call is made for Cedric to hunt in the ditches in the road where Robert was last seen. Will it pay off? Not only the robot is found, but something else.