Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Slow Boat from China. epp3, 490225.

Johnny Dollar’s latest insurance claim investigation takes him to San Fransisco. The trip isn’t quite over when he finds himself with a ticket to fly to Singapore. A shipment of cargo has been delayed, and the ship shows signs of sabotage. Johnny is descriptive of the exotic city as he arrives in Singapore, and finds that his contact is missing, and his hotel room roughed up.

Johnny checks out the hotel bar to poke around for details. The trail leads to the waterfront, the police, and the morgue. The body he finds makes him think that he found the source of the sabotage, and delay. It also leads him to a girl, and the source of some potential secrets to expose. Will she know where the missing contact, Harrison is located? Watch out for danger Johnny, I’ll bet it strikes right after the mid show commercial.

Sure enough, the mysterious gal has turned Johnny over to a couple local thugs, bent on roughing him up. The wisecracking Johnny Dollar takes the beating, and wakens in a room with the missing Harrison. There’s a mystery package at the heart of the matter, and the reason why the cargo is being delayed. What is it and why is it so important?

Johnny doesn’t care about the package, only in getting his ship out of port in time, but should he be worrying? Using his wits, he escapes from the thugs, and makes a bee line for where he knows the package to be.

In a suspenseful moment, the secret of the package, and the authorities who are looking for it are connected. Another mystery happily solved, and another insurance claim salvaged by Johnny Dollar.