Suspense – Lord Of The Witch Doctors. ep15, 421027

The natives are restless along the African coast, on the island of Zanzabar. A popular witch doctor has been on the move to incite the tribes. British officials try to calm the matter, but will the diplomacy do any good against superstition, and dangers from the jungle? Might the good Germans, and Dr Schmidt be up to something?

The situation comes to a head, and gets even more dire when the famous witch doctor arrives. He turns out to be a Cockney faker who has been impressing the natives with his sleight of hand tricks. His kind of magic is soon put to the test when a lion has a tribal leader trapped, and the lives of all the white men are in the balance. .

What would a good story be if the twists didn’t keep on coming? German spies, selling guns to arm the natives, a gunboat in the harbor, and more. What strategic use is the forsaken mud heap of a village is this to the war effort?

To get out of his touchy predicament, the British diplomat has to think fast to overthrow his German agents, and diffuse the native situation.