Fibber McGee and Molly – Record Salmon Dinner. ep287, 410513

This is the time of year for serious fishermen to get their tackle in shape for next season, and review those fishing tales. Though Molly isn’t into fishing, she still tells a tale about her old flame, Otis Cadwaliter, to get Fibber riled. A telegram arrives from Otis that tells of a record breaking salmon he caught. A phone call to the airport is intercepted by Mirt the phone operator with word that her sister may be expecting her own special delivery.

Billy Mills plays some traveling music, and Abigail Uppington is on hand to learn about Molly’s old flame. Fibber thinks the salmon isn’t a very romantic gift from an old flame. The Old Timer pops in to tell about his own relatives who are to visit him. Harlowe Wilcox arrives to spin the salmon situation into a sponsor message.

A baseball through a window announces the presence of Teeny. How does she like Fibber’s new hat? The Hamberg Makes her hungry. The Kingsmen sing, Mush Mush Mush.

The big dinner is all set,. And the house full of hungry guests await the salmon. But there isn’t any sign of it yet. Gildersleeve bickers with his little chum,. Then Wallace Wimple visits. . how does his big old wife Sweetie Face handle tantrums? Finally a messenger with a big package arrives. But the only one getting a laugh out of the fish is Fibber.