Father Knows Best – Weekend Activity. ep133, 520918

Opening the days mail, a letter from Chicago begins a chain reaction in the Anderson family. Bud wants to go camping at beaver lake with his friends. After the good news that Jim has just recieved, it doesn’t take much arm twisting to get permission. Will Betty and Cathy also get permission to join their friends as well?

Margaret is a little worried that Kathy has never spent the night away from home before. With the kids all going separate ways, Jim thinks it’s the ideal time for he and Margaret to slip away to that convention in Chicago. Hmmm… Things are just a little too perfect, this can’t last for long

Everyone sets about to pack up for the weekend, with mother as the focal point to settle arguments, and find missing items. Face with her trip two blocks down the Road, Kathy seems to be having second thoughts. When Betty gets that Joan of arc look in her eyes, Bud knows his weekend with his pals is doomed.

The teenagers are willing to sacrifice their weekend, so their parents could have time away. Realizing the trouble she has cause, Kathy agrees to give it another go at her friends house. Will Jim and Margaret get there weekend alone? Or not