Father Knows Best – Bud Quits School. ep136, 521016

For such a small girl as Cathy Anderson, and her little ears. She hears plenty. Today she has news that her brother, Bud,. Is quitting school. Betty claims its because he’s too dumb to continue, but it actually turns out to be over an embarrassment over a girl. Will Jim let him drop- out over the misunderstanding with the passed note during class?

The plan is to Put Bud to work,. And Jim plans to work him hard enough to be glad to return to class. The pay is meager. But the independence has lit a fire of energy in Bud. Can father keep up in feeding the mundane chores to Bud? Betty sees her chance to get her own room, and suggests the hired help shouldn’t be living in the house with the rest of the family.

Living in the tiny room over the garage suits Bud just fine. Has Jim created a monster? Will this start a trend in other boys wanting to drop out of school? It takes Cathy, and her parade of dolls, to push Bud to the brink.