Tom Mix – Green Man. 440630

After learning about the Green man, and a mysterious disappearance, and reappearance of Tom’s friend Windy’s house, he has been on the case. It involves indian legends of the desert. The green man makes appearances, and vanishes just as quickly, Tom is skeptical about the supernatural, and tries to look for a natural cause, but it has Tom’s cowboy friends spooked.

Can Tom make sense of the events? What did the green man say? Is there a natural explaination for the supernatural experiences? Another type of Indian arrives to add to the troubles.

A swami in a turban arrives and offers help. But is Tom ready for his occult expertise, to handly what he figures has a natural explanation? Why does the swami want to buy the house?

The mysterious man is allowed to spend the night, or as long as it takes to do his spiritual observations. Tom just wants to protect his friend Windy from making any sudden decisions about seling his house. Tom notices odd signs about the swami, and doesn’t trust him. What happens next? I don’t know, since the following episodes are missing.