Great Gildersleeve – Gildy Stuck with Opera Tickets. ep187, 451202

At the breakfast table, Gildersleeve learns about a lady telephone color. Leroy and Marjorie comment on the late our he came in last night. When news of an opera company is pointed out to him, Gildy seems upset. Mostly because he feels excluded and organizing it. What about that lady telephone color? It’s Mrs. Pettibone asking Gildy to help support the opera.

As a cosponsor, Gildersleeve chats it up with Mrs. Bullard, and Mrs. Pettibone. He finds himself having to write a check for 15 Opera tickets. Does he know that many people to sell them to? It’s off to talk with his friend Peavey. Will the druggist buy some opera tickets? He has some of his own to sell, but can he upsell a ticket when a customer arrives?

Burning up the phone lines at home, Gildersleeve cold calls people right out of the phonebook. Does he have any luck? Not enough, and besides it takes away from Marjorie’s prime time phone usage to her friend, Francis . Judge Hooker visits, freeing up the phone line for Marjorie, but will he buy a ticket? Will the jolly boys club be a resource for selling those tickets? Though opera isn’t their normal speed, Gildersleeve manages to up-sell them, and the guys sing a few bars from Carmen.