Lum and Abner – Abner To Become A Bum. 441207

The hunger strike came to a sudden halt for Abner, when Lizabeth thought it was to reduce and impress another woman. Lum tells Squire how his pal hasn’t been seen since yesterday, feasting in Luke Spears lunchroom. Squire sets Lum straight on the workings of the female mind, and why the hunger strike failed. What a woman wants is a man who has needs that she can fix.

The ideasparks a new plan for Lum to try, as soonas Abner makes an appearance. What attribute might he focus on? Abner is far from perfect. Can he make Abner over to be a no good bum?

After his over eating binge to regain his lost weight, Abner listens as Lum and Squire ppitch the idea of being sloppy, unkempt, and lazy. He isn’t so sure about it, until he realizes it will also get him out of doing the deliveries.