Black Museum – A Can Of Weedkiller. ep7, 520212.

John and Helen live in a Norman castle with their daughter, Joy. A household accident finds Helen being hurt, and the family is overly worried. The doctor isn’t so alarmed, and tries to assure the family. It soon becomes clear that Helen was poisoned, but is this a matter for the police to look into?

Old Time Radio Show--Boston Blackie: Enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friend.

The spotless lives of the family doesn’t seem so ideal when the neighbors share suspicions and dig up dirt for the police who interview them. The Coroner is needed, and a killer is identified. The case has moved along quickly. Possibly too quickly. Scotland Yard gets involved, but the trial is underway. Will the evidence prove that John killed his wife, or will it point to someone else?

Regardless, that can of weed killer has earned it’ spot in the Black Museum.