Lum and Abner – Taking the Psychologist’s Test. 441122

An author of a child psychology book wants to examine Cedric. Today we find him and Lum discussing their expectations as they wait for their psychology test. Cedric gets confused over the test, words that Lum uses, and coming up with the right answers.

Mr Fulton arrives and finally meets Cedric. The psychology exam is the kind where there aren’t any right answers, though Cedric whips out the ones he has prepared. Can Cedric match up the animal to the correct tails? Is there something the matter with the animals? They aren’t feeling sick, are they?

More pictures are examined. What kind of food needs to be cracked before it can be eaten? Cedric is too distracted by his worries over that animal in the first test. Then there’s his lack of concentration when he needs to leave and do chores. Will the psychologist ever get enough data for his notes?