Big Town – The Fatal Fix. 490125.

When professional gambling rings move in, sportsmanship moves out.

On the waterfront, a woman is roughed up and left. She’s lucky the gangsters didn’t just finish her off, but a kindly bum takes her to Steve Wilson for help.

The mob boss isn’t happy with the job his thugs did with the girl, and wants her back, or at least to stay quiet permanently. In the newsroom, Lauralai shares details of a news story with Steve. A phone call comes in from Willie, the waterfront bum to fill Steve in on events. What is the secret that the mob doesn’t want told?

Before Willie can take the girl to meet Steve, the mobster is back, roughs up the bum, and takes the girl. Harry the Hack drops off Steve and Lauralai, but where is Willie?

Just when Steve was about to send out a search party, Willie stumbles in with the story. It has to do with gambling, and rigged sports events. Steve is on the move, and tries to set up a trap to make the mobsters show their hand. There’s murder brewing, but will Steve get to the girl in time?

What was the girls role in the matter? Her story comes out in the arguments as she is abducted and taken to the desert. With her being tucked securely away, the mob gets ready to take bets on the upcoming game. Quick Steve! Do something!

Steve tries, and is caught, and disarmed. Stay tuned to the exciting conclusion to see how Steve gets himself out of his latest mess.

It may take more than just talking his way out. In the end, the racketeers are stirred up enough to go at each other’s throats, and the girl is taught a lesson to leave the world of crime alone. Don’t even dabble at the fringes of it.