Great Gildersleeve – Hayride. 491228.

It’s dinnertime and Gildersleeve enjoys a meal with his family. Leroy gripes about Marjorie’s affections of late, and after announcing her engagement last week to Bronco. Jealous of his neighbor, Gildy wants to outdo Bullard with his own New Years Eve party. Making the rounds to his friends, Gildy tries to convince each one that his idea of a hayride will be more fun than a party with Bullard. When Katherine, Floyd, and the rest all say they’re planning to go to Bullards, it makes Gildy mad, but can you blame them? A hayride in winter isn’t very appealing, and Bullard had his all planned long before the party Gildersleeve hastily threw together.

Feeling down, Gildy meets Bullard on the street, but it only drives him deeper into his pity party. Marjorie tries to calm her impetuous uncle. will he change his mind? will he have to disappoint Leroy over the cancelled hayride. who wants to hang out with girls, and dance with them when you can go on a hayride with the guys… and a horse! Just when Gildy is at his lowest, he gets an unexpected surprise from his friends.

PS: Though Gildy is a likable guy, I would have to bow out if he were to invite me to a mid winter hayride. However, it does go to show how much his friends and neighbors respect him when they make their surprise appearance for him at the end. Giving up a nice, warm, cozy party for a chilly night in the open air. I suppose it would depend on how adventurous I felt at the moment though. What do you think? Drop me a line in my comment area.


  1. Bruce L. Ham

    Actually this sends the message of just plain old time
    respect and friendships created through time. Some times youj
    just have to do things within reason for the friendship

    • Hi, this is Keith wearing my site admin hat. Sorry I got back to your comment so late.

      I can agree lGildie’s friends changing their plans indeed shows a deeper friendship than the show sometimes lets on. More often than not, Bullard is Gildy’s arch rival, and they don’t seem to get along on the surface. To me they aren’t quite as close as Gildy and Fibber were before he left to take care of Leroy and Marjorie. He and Fibber could fight just like He does with Bullard, but with Fibber, we saw them doing things like playing checkers, or other things a couple of buddies might do. Gildy never does that with Bullard. At least I’ve not found an episode where he does. I’ll allow that I could be very wrong on the matter.

      I like hay rides. I’ve been on sleigh rides. I can enjoy fun in the snowy, wintery weather. I suppose my original comment came from the fact that at that very moment in time, we had some illness in the house, and there ain’t no way for family or friend that I would have gone out and made health matters worse.

      Glad to have your comments. Keep on listening to the shows, reading the pages, and write more.

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