Abbott and Costello – Lou The Fireman. 451206.

Bud and Lou have a new job, working in a firehouse. As usual, Lou is late and has to explain himself to Bud as they joke about fires, and fire safety. Bud wants Lou to get in shape so he can handle the duties as a fireman. Excersize, and a good diet, which leads to a confusing conversation about working out and taking vitamins.

Will Osbourne presents his musical hit, Oh Brother.

In the firehouse, Lou deals with a prank phone caller. The parade of characters that pass through the firehouse are designed to add to the firehouse jokes, and word playing. Lou’s latest girlfriend, Lena Ghensta makes an appearance to tease him. Mellonhead gives Lou a hard time as Lou just can’t say anything that doesn’t offend him.

Connie Haines sings, Rip Van Winkle.

An alarm comes in, but Lou’s responce to the caller doesn’t cause any confidence in his ability. Bud and Lou rush out to do their duty, joking all the way. The guys do their best to battle the raging flames, but mostly take advantage of the situation for making jokes.