Jack Benny – Vacation Plans. ep378, 400609

The last of the season is winding down, and Jack talks about how the months fly by. What about a vacation in Hawaii, where the seasons are all the same? How does his plans compare to those that Don Wilson has made? Mary Livingstone joins the fun and wisecracks about style and fashion choices. Jack tells about later plans in the Summer to film with his rival, Fred Allen. Phil Harris pops in with vacation jokes with the Hawaiian theme, and picking up girls. He and the band play, You’re Guess is as Good as Mine.

To have a good send off, Jack arranges for his cast to throw lots of confetti, and plenty of waving and crying as his cruise liner pulls out. Phil gets on Jack’s bad side at the mention of listening to Fred Allen’s show. What kind of trouble might Mary be in, to have her pay docked? Dennis Day is a little late, but to make up for pay shortages, Jack offers a way to make it up. It’ll just cost Dennis a little. Dennis sings, Say It Over Again.

For the feature attraction, a murder mystery is to be portrayed. Andy Devine interrupts to joke about the changes in Hollywood. His horse and buggy don’t fit in like they used to. He presents his idea for a summer replacement show for Jack. The Aldrich family will actually be the replacements, but that’s not the bad news that faces Jack. A phone call to the studio sets the record straight on that film with Fred Allen.