Father Knows Best – New Washing Machine. ep119, 520417

Audio quality is poor, but OK.

Ever since the new washing machine has arrived, it has held special fascination for Kathy. When Bud arrives home, he spends time fighting with Kathy before He shares his plan to save dad money. Although Kathy has been amusing to Jim, she has sabotaged everyone else. Her constant use of the washing machine has ruined things, including buds homemade raft, Betty’s silk dress, and just plain old annoying mom all week long. Dad is still amused, But drama qureen Betty will just die over her ruin dress.

Once kathies damage has done its worst, dad gets active in building a case to solve the mysteries of the episode. Will the cops be closing in soon? Turnarounds begin happening fast, first for Betty, Then for Bud. But will dads problems be over?

There’s still a matter of a letter from the police demanding bugs presents, but mom makes it easy work of that.