Bob Hope (Pepsodent Preview) Kingman Arizona, with Virginia Bruce. 430411

Bob “Gunnery School” Hope jokes about the lack of women at the camp. Dry air, military life, health, and jokes about local attractions are included. Pinball, rationing, copper mines, KP, flight training and gunnery practice make up a hodge podge of topics. Celebrities and movie starlets are mentioned when a wedding party is discussed. Bob shares some of the travel ittenary coming up. Trains, travel, and flubbed lines are helped along when Jerry Kolonna joins Bob. Meat shortages, priorities, ranchers, draft boards, and navigating life on a train are among the topics.

Francis Langford sings, You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To. Virginia Bruce joins Bob for jokes on dating, the he-men gunners on base, victory gardens, and how things are growing in them. Bob and Skinny become singing cowboys to give Virginia a tour of the Wild West. Cattle, horses, barbed wire, women, riding, and all manner of ranching topics are talked about. Virginia fends off the two wolves, and gets a showing of how well the guys can shoot. Will one of the rootin’ tootin’ gents win her hand? Skinny Ennis sings, Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer.

Jerry Kolonna gets the chance to sing a song, Road to Mandolay.

In flashback, we learn how well Bob was received by the local politicians, girls, and cowhands. He dreams of the old days in the West. As a two gun sheriff, he works in jokes on giving blood, bandits, and saloons. Vera Veg adds to the fun with jokes on being bow legged, men who fight over her, dating, but will the lady outlaw make it hard for Bob to arrest her? Jerry is back to joke about telephones, stage coaches, horses, then topics turn to gambling. As the salloon is about to be held up, the audio runs short.