You Are There – The Trial Of Marie Antoinette (1793AD). ep46, 481017

CBS reporters stand by to bring the drama of the events of the trial of Marie Antoinette. The people of France face a grim, but inevitable decision.

The French prosecutor is a stickler for proper titles, even in the use of having a Lack of titles. The people have overthrown the tyranny of the king and queen, old titles and formalities have also been torn down in the new democracy.

Interviews uncover the feelings of the average citezen. Expectations, and ideals anticipated with a new democracy. Fears of enemies that still may exist, and want to burst the bubble of new hope.

Crowds show signs of revolt at any gesture of respect to the old order, even something as simple as tipping a hat to nobility on the street. CBS reporters even visit the French prison to get an idea of the reasons that various political prisoners are there.

Back in the courthouse, an interview with Marie Antoinette herself is granted. She stands by her decisions, and is unrepentant, claiming that she was in the right. In her mind, it’s the French people who turned on her, not the other way round.

The jury is in. What will it be? Guilty or innocent? Set free, exiled, or sent to the guillotine? Listen in and relive the tense drama.