Phil Harris – Brawl At The Grocery Store. 491016.

On a street corner, Frankie gets the big news about Phil being arrested for a disturbance in a grocery store from a newspaper bboy. What’s Phil’s side of the story? Let’s join Frankie as he rushes over to learn the answer to that question for himself.

Phil brags to Alice, and Willie of his manly prowess in the brawl. Willie and Frankie both give Phil a hard time over it, and Alice is upset over Phil’s fighting. Not without cause, since Phil is now faced with an assault charge. Phil sings, Row, Row, Row.

Is there any hope for Phil to win his case? His only witness is Julius, and it could take some sweet talking to bring him around to Phil’s side. Lot’s of sweet talking, and a little bribery wouldn’t hurt.

The scene changes to the courtroom where jokes take a legal flavor. Will Julius stick up for Phil? Will Frankie have any pull with the judge? I’m not saying, you’ll have to download the show, and listen for yourself.