Ozzie and Harriet – Exaggeration Troubles. ep44, 450930

After a night on the town, we learn how well Ozzie has contained himself after only one beer. Not to mention the skills at hosting parties. Jokes, dancing, and the way that Ozzie feels tha Harriet exaggerate too much. As she heads to the kitchen, David enters to chat with his dad about Harriet’s stretching the truth. What kind of plan does Ozzie have in mind to cure his wife?

Tal tales are told at the meal table. Fabulous feats at feasting are stopped when Gloria the maid enters with her own stretched truth. Will it phase Harriet at all?

The King Sisters sing, I Don’t Care.

Sharing his troubles to the neighbor girl, Emmy Lou, Ozzie decides on a more aggressive solution. Harriet wants to have an antique dealer assess their furniture, so Ozzie decides to how her how silly it is to exaggerate by inflating all the prices on their living room furniture. Be prepared for his plan to backfire. The assessor turns out to be from the tax office. Exaggerating gets Ozzie deeper into trouble, can it somehow get him out of it?