Ozzie and Harriet – Apartment Building Next Door. ep43, 450923

The boys look for ideas to earn money as they play outside. It takes a syndicate to be able to afford to build something as big as an apartment building, but a tree house is more their speed. Meanwhile, Ozzie talks with Harriet about the latest rumor he heard, and why the apartments going up in the vacant lot is a bad idea. Those spreading rumors could mean a lot of jumping to conclusions.

Gloria the maid is on hand to relate to Ozzie’s sour mood of putting things off until later, and changes in the neighborhood. The King Sisters sing, Gonna Love That Guy.

Thinking the owner of the vacant lot has been out of town, and possibly having not closed the deal on the property, Ozzie goes to talk to her. Mrs Appleby is the absent minded lady who can’t quite get Ozzie’s name right. Why have all her husbands left her? The real estate deal looks good, so Ozzie heads to the finance company. Such a friendly, helping hands kind of place, run by Hans Conried.

When truth comes out about the boys and their clubhouse, will Ozzie get out of his deal to purchase the empty lott?