Gunsmoke – Sweet and Sour (Harry Bartell). ep226, 560805

At the train depot, Matt and Chester watch a few fellow travellers as they plan to return to Dodge on the rails. Ab Laster is stopped from harrassing the lovely young lady. Will Matt have any further trouble with the man?

Rena gets the grand tour of Dodge City, escorted by her hero, Matt Dillon. Laster and his cowboy partner hit the trail, but will Matt’s troubles be gone? What will Doc and Kitty think about Rena? Kitty isn’t impressed with Rena Decker, and her type. She’s the kind who thrills to see men fight over her, and Kitty doesn’t want that kind of trouble. Things are quiet for a few days, then a gun fight breaks the peace. Sure enough, Rena is in the middle of stirring the men up.

After the burial, Matt has to deal with Rena. She’s not hard to find. She’s at the bar, with two more cowboys at her side. Its Laster, and his trail buddy, Garret. The six guns aren’t done blazing, and Matt lays down the law to Rena, “Get outta Dodge… and don’t ever come back!”