Burns and Allen – George Late for Show. 400819.

We open to a scene of George racing to the studio in a cab, and with a cute girl next to him who isn’t Gracie. Elsewhere, the show is on the air, but Gracie isn’t as worried as the cast. George makes excuses about his late appearance, but Gracie suspects he was actually with a girl, but she isn’t even concerned at that, as much as George’s lie about being sick. Mr Lee, the precocious Spanish guitarist, as well as the over educated sound man have some advice for George’s imagined ailment.

The Smoothies sing, Have You Ever Been Embarrassed. Elsie Tralafaz phones in to ruin George’s story about being sick, and the cast decide to hold it over his head. They all have fun raking George over the coals with the doctor when he arrives. Not to mention the medical jokes break out in force. Artie plays a swinging dance tune, King for a Day.

Elsie arrives, and teamed up with Gracie and the cast, they make George squirm. Since Gracie is upset that George is looking for a new partner for radio, jokes about radio and performers emerge, and Gracie does a short spoof of their show with Elsie in the lead.

Note: Artie Shaw makes a crack about George being a wolf, and wishing it could happen to him. Artie had a reputation with the ladies, and had several marriages to famous starlets and celebrities. The part of Elsie is played by Mary Kelley, a long time friend of Gracie and former girlfriend of Jack Benny.