Gunsmoke – The Pacifist. 560603.

Word comes to Matt and Chester about a man who needs help. Ardin Hook seems a little jumpy, timid, and he doesn’t carry a gun, but otherwise Matt leaves him alone to go about his business. After riding out, then back to town on business, Matt gets the update from Kitty about Ardin. We learn a little about his past, and we witness a few men who knew Ardin and give him a hard time.

To better keep the peace, Matt goes to Ardin to learn more of his story, and his reason for being a pacifist. There’s a difference between a pacifist and a coward, and Matt is willing to back up Ard in facing his bullies. Tension builds as Doc and Chester join Matt to discuss an incident from back in the war.

Going to check on the matter, Matt interrupts plans for a lynching. A lesson is learned about true strength and bravery.