Gunsmoke – Cheap Labor. ep219, 560617

In the kind of town where a gun is king, Capper is one man who doesn’t carry one. In a touchy moment in the Long Branch saloon, Matt Dillon intervenes as a part of his unending duty to break up all manner of violence on the streets of Dodge City. Will Capper be forced to carry a gun if he hopes to stay alive? Matt may agree with his sentiment, but the lawman can’t be everywhere.

Weeks pass, and Capper has been dating Carrie Stansil, sister of his rival in the opening scene. Is Capper brave, or just crazy? Will brother, Ben, agree to a marriage, or is his sister only a means of cheap labor for him? Though he didn’t intend on stirring up trouble when he came to town, Capper faces plenty of it now.

A fight is in store, but Capper wants it on his own terms. Does Capper have a past as a gunman? Is Ben brave enough to find out? Will the showdown affect Carrie in the wrong way about Capper?