Abbott and Costello – Lou Gets A Tattoo. 450607.

Bob Matthews opens with a song, Just Say I’m a Friend.

Bud and Lou joke about Lou’s hygiene habits, then about Lou getting a tattoo. Bud teases Lou about his girlfriend, but encourages him to get married if he loves her so much. The guys talk about a lovers spat Lou had with his gal before she shoved off to join the Army. Then the floodgates of marriage jokes are unleashed. Bud gets Lou confused over his terminology, and as usual though Lou can repeat the same thing back, he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Bob Matthews is back to sing, I Don’t Care Who Knows It.

Connie Haines follows with, Sentimental Journey.

Bud and Lou talk about going to the beach, and Lou wants to take Connie to the beach. Though she turns him down, Lou talks about her skimpy bathing suit. Lou recites a poem he wrote about Sea Gulls. Then the guys talk about the people on the beach. Mel Blanc is a tipsy man who talks with the guys. Lou gets to show off his life saving skills. Bud gives Lou some advice about the boueys, and the word play fun picks up again. Connie is back to sing, Good Good Good.

Lou is now playing with a horseshoe because he has a special wish. What do you think it is about? Chasing girls of course. The jokes about girls, and bathing beauties keeps up until Alvea Almon enters and the topic turns to dreams. Mellonhead is the resident specialist on interpreting dreams. He and Lou talk about dreams. What kind of analysis does Mellonhead offer for Lou’s constant dreaming of beautiful girls? What kind of treatment does he have, and will Lou go for it? I think Lou might like Bud’s cure a little better when he asks Connie to give Lou a kiss. I guess that would quieten his unrequited love. Maybe?