The Whistler – The Man Who Waited. ep52, 430515

Genevieve and Barry have a growing love between them, but there’s a problem with his mother agreeing to any marriage. The old woman is jaded on romance, and foolish women in love, probably due to her long ago arranged marriage that embittered her. Will their secret marriage come to light?

To become his own man, and not obligated to his mother’s money, Barry needs to divorce, and marry into his own arranged marriage. A glaring problem arises when it becomes clear that Genevieve is expecting a baby. Will the truth sit well when she tells Barry’s mother the full story?

With mother dropping dead from the shocking news, Barry is free to marry who he wishes. But which girl does he actually want to marry? Can Genevieve convince Barry to stay with her? Her own delicate medical condition doesn’t seem as severe as she had made it to sound. Has Barry been once again trapped by a manipulating woman? What will it take to set Barry free? The Whistler has the twist ending with the truth and the convoluted demise of Genevieve.