The Whistler – The Killers. ep50, 430501

A sensational murder trial comes to a conclusion on a rainy night, and the verdict is to commit the defendant to an assylum for the insane. On a farm, and with manpower short due to the war, Dellaois ordered around by aunt Agatha. Is the young girl lazy, and unwilling to dirty her hands, or is Agatha being unreasonable in her work demands? Farmer Dalton offers the use of his hired hand.

The recently discharged, wounded veteran is a soft-spoken helper, but seems capable enough. If Della, and her mother, Ellen, have their way, a matter of sabotage will force Agatha to sell the farm, and they can seek fortunes elsewhere. With the arrival of Joe, suspicions of an escaped killer sends thrills in a new direction.

Will the ladies be safe as the storm rages through the night? a stealthy figure moves through the house, and in an act of desperation, Della forces Joe to take her off the farm. A police road block means trouble in transporting a girl across the state line. Not to mention other compromising circumstances that won’t go well for Joe. Della turns out to be the kind to throw a friend under the bus, but the Whistler holds the twist ending that reveals lies and truth.

Note: Features the voice talents of Lurene Tuttle.